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Showing posts from March, 2010


Once upon a time as a student, I was taught the use of appeal by advertisers to lure customers to a product and the types of appeal varies. There is sex appeal where girls are used, dressed sexily to attract men to a product. I remember the fear appeal that tends to bring fear to the customer, unless he or she uses a particular product or stops the use of a product. Health organizations for instance can use the fear appeal to promote the dangers of cancer and others. They can use it to also sell their products. eg ‘Malaria kills’ use Zayzeequin to treat yourself’. Now, let’s talk about churches and the use of appeal. Love appeal versus fear appeal. The church basically is where Christians go to fellowship together and worship God. There are some who think that the church is a place only for the saved. How wrong. There are some church workers who would be uncharitable to some people, because they feel those people are not holy enough or are too worldly. I remember an old episode of Desp

In My Head........

What do I understand and what don’t I understand? Recently I find myself asking this question over and over again. I listened to a sermon in church today titled ‘Holy Spirit my helper’. I understood what the pastor was saying. I especially understood when he said, ‘our Christian experience should not stop at our salvation because there are times we run dry and feel disconnected from God and can’t even pray’. I understood that perfectly, because for a while now, I have being disconnected from my Lord. I can’t remember the last time I had my quiet time in the mornings. I used to enjoy that so much every morning because I wake so early to get in His presence. I don’t even know how I got here. I can’t even say a simple prayer. I find lately that sometimes, I try to seek help from God, and I feel really guilty because I know I have broken our communication and I feel I don’t deserve His help. Yet He remains faithful and loving and still looks out for me and protects all that are dear to me.